AG Large Animal and Veterinary Science

  • Independence
AG Large Animal and Veterinary Science

This course is designed to give students knowledge and experience in the care of small and large animals. Pets are very popular today, and it is very important that people understand how to care for their animals properly and to understand the welfare issues faced by today’s animal owners. Topics will include nutrition, health, daily care, breed identification, selection, and training. Labs will be done to demonstrate proper grooming, feeding, handling, health, and basic veterinary practices. Animals to be discussed will be dogs, cats, rabbits, hamsters, guinea pigs, gerbils, birds, cattle, pigs, horses, llamas and others chosen based on class interest. Field trips to the Humane Society, Vet Clinic, and other local facilities and farms and guest speakers will also be an important part of the class.

**Earn College Credit** This class has an Advanced Standing agreement through Western Technical College. Your high school teacher teaches the course at your school, just like a regular class. Once you successfully complete the course, you become eligible to receive advanced standing credit. Credits are granted when you pursue an associate’s degree or technical diploma at Western or another technical college in Wisconsin. Advanced Standing credit must be requested during the admissions process, prior to registration.

Transcripted Western Technical College Class: Animal Science - 10006113 - 3.0 credits.

Credit: 0.5

Length: (1) Trimester

Grade Level: 9, 10, 11, 12

Prerequisite: None

  • 09
  • 10
  • 11
  • 12
  • AG