BUSINESS Business & Marketing

  • Blair-Taylor
BUSINESS Business & Marketing

Would you like to own your own business . . . or . . . major in business in college? Then this course is for you. Learn about how businesses are organized and managed. Develop your leadership, communication, and human relations skills. Learn the essentials of beginning and operating a business. You will learn how to keep a checkbook, what insurance is for, and how to conduct a meeting using parliamentary procedures. This course will serve as a background for other more detailed business courses, such as Accounting, Entrepreneurship, Advertisement Marketing, and Business Leadership & Management; as well as prepare students for future employment, financial literacy, and consumer decision making. In the marketing unit, learn about the 4 P’s of marketing, create a television commercial, package a product and learn about pricing. Explore entrepreneurship and exciting careers in business. You will be ready for the business world!

**Earn College Credit** This class is transcripted through Western Technical College which means you will earn high school and college credit upon successful completion of this course. Please note that the college credit earned through WTC is transferable to other technical colleges in the Wisconsin Technical College System.

Western Class: Introduction to Business, 10102106, 3.0 Western credits


Credit: 0.5

Length: (1) Trimester

Grade Level: 9, 10, 11, 12

Prerequisites: None

  • 09
  • 10
  • 11
  • 12