ELA Foundations of English II

  • Arcadia
ELA Foundations of English II

Course Description: This course is to be taken by English Learners who have already completed Foundations of English I either at AHS or an equivalent course in a different school.  They are enrolled in this course by teacher recommendation only.  Students will continue learning the basics of English language with greater emphasis on language arts standards  in preparation for ELA Core/Foundations of English III. Skills covered in this course include using correct pronunciation of words and letter sounds, creating complete sentences using correct sentence structure, writing expository and argumentative paragraphs correctly while  incorporating evidence and analysis, recognizing and analyzing a variety of literature genres and informational texts,  creating questions and responses, using  reading strategies to understand a text, identifying, defining, and using new vocabulary.

Credit: 1.5

Length: (3) Trimesters

Grade Level: 9, 10, 11, 12

Prerequisites: Foundations of English I or Placement

  • 09
  • 10
  • 11
  • 12
  • ELA