TECH ED Welding II

  • Blair-Taylor
  • Independence
  • Whitehall
TECH ED Welding II
This is an advanced welding class which focuses on fabrication skills and projects. The class will include manufacturing tours of area welding facilities and working environments. Occasionally, industry professionals will be used to demonstrate knowledge skills and Ideas used in the welding workplace. The class will include a project based curriculum based on the needs of the individual school or community. Measure/Cut/Tack/Weld. Additionally, students will use their advanced knowledge and technical skills obtained in previous shop classes to assist in community and school projects. Welding, construction, and CAD skills are necessary. Students will be working on an individual case by case basis to problem solve and build to assist anyone in need. Students will be detail oriented and work with prospective customers to assist on their projects.

Length: (1) Trimester

Grade Level: 11, 12

Prerequisite: Welding I

  • 11
  • 12